Monday, June 25, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Back in Shikokho!

After 6 months I decided it was time to brighten up my room with some photos...
Hello everyone,
            Just a note before I get started, I am writing this at my desk in my room, and despite the fact that it is 4 pm—AT THE EQUATOR—and I’m indoors with my windows closed, it is COLD!  I just had to get up to put on a few more layers and wrap a blanket around myself.  Rainy season is over (I missed most of it while I was traveling, thank God), but now we’re in the relatively cold Kenyan months of June and July.  It still rains maybe three or four evenings a week (like right now), but the roads are passable—which is not the case during rainy season.  The weather during the day is brilliant—sunny but never too hot.  My first couple months here I would steal away from school some afternoons to come strip my clothes off in my room and fan myself for a few minutes; now I go all day long without breaking a sweat, and instead of making me uncomfortable, holding my 11 o’clock tea in both hands is something I look forward to.  I noticed how green this region is when I first arrived, but since the rains the scenery is even more lush and the school’s gardens that the students have planted for their agriculture classes are starting to show beautiful results.  We also have a banana and an avocado tree out our back door that are starting to bear fruit.  You have not seen a real avocado until you’ve been to Africa—the things are HUGE.  The ones we get in US grocery stores have obviously been bred to withstand traveling long distances; not for size (or nutritional value, while we’re on the subject).

            I know I have been severely slacking in my updates and I apologize to those of you who actually care to read them.  The internet connection here in the village seems to have sorted itself out a little since I got back from traveling, so I should be better in the future.  I have a lot to update you on!